
On a rainy day...

Photo: Warmond (NL), 28.X.2008, h.:11 a.m.

I was already leaving to go to University, under this impossible rain of today, but then I heard a sound, a constant noise on the roof of my house... and how could I leave?
At first I was deadly scared thinking that yes, this was the last bad accident which was happening to me... I thought... a dead bird, I can't stand it.
I looked in the whole house. None of the others inhabitants were here.
I needed to enter my room again but I was terribly scared. I do not like birds..and dead ones... I was sure I would have thrown up. But then I took a deep breath and with the upmost surprise... it was a baby seagull who stopped on my roof because of the rain.
Me, that I was already planning to sleep somehow on my couch tonight not to be compelled to see a dead bird the whole time (yes, the window is on the ceiling).
Anyway... I think I'll go now.
I'm sorry if I didn't keep my promise Leni and Petr.
I'll find the time. It's just that I want to wrtite something good and real, and in a moment when I'm happy.
I'll do it. if you know anything about P. Newman let me know.
To everybody: a hug.
Your Eli, with her right thumb nail a little black... no need to say nowadays... my bike squeezed it between it and the metal thing where I parked the bike last night. Grammy, Lourdes was not enough!

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