

Photo: Almaty (KZ), 3.XII.2009

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13: 13

Happy Birthday my Leni! I Love You so much!



Let it snow

Photo: Almaty, KZ, 09.XI.2009. To my sister Marta.

To leave to stay to come back to leave again. Sometimes missing the perfect timing and persons.
There is just one place I know I belong to. Besides that, I'm ignorant. Yes, I am.

Buona notte.



Feeling like telling I love You

Photo: J.K. (KZ), November 2009

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us".



5 cm di meno, 3 kg in più e 43 ore di treno. Il resto, non ha prezzo. Janga Korgan- South West KZ

On the train, back to Almaty, 1.XI.2009, Taraz (KZ)

Kizdar, J.K. 31.X.2009 (KZ)
Uylenu toy (Wedding, day 3). 31.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Uylenu toy (Wedding, day 3). 31.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Homelike shooting, 31.X.2009- J.K. (KZ)

Homelike shooting, 31.X.2009- J.K. (KZ)

Homelike shooting, 31.X.2009- J.K. (KZ)

At the bazaar, 31.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

At the bazaar, 31.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Near the bazaar, 31.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)
Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Betashar (Wedding, day 2). 30.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Kiz uzatu (Wedding, day 1). 29.X.2009. J.K. (KZ)

Janga korgan, Altin adam. 29.X.2009.

Turkistan, from the train. 29.X.2009

Turkistan, 29.X.2009

"The reverse side also has a reverse side".

Japanese proverb

Scrivo presto. Writing soon.


If only

Photo: Almaty, KZ, X.2009. "Need to know where I belong".

If only someone could tell me what to do I'll do it. Sometimes it's so hard to choose between what you feel and what you should feel. I'm scared I'm choosing the second option. Hope this is not a mistake. I've just found out where I belong. And I'm the happiest person ever. I just wish I knew where my heart belongs now. If only...




Photo: Almaty, KZ, 11.X.2009

" Who ran to help me when I fell, and would some pretty story tell, or kiss the place to make it well? My mother".

Ann Taylor

Alla mia Mamma. Mi manchi tanto.
To my Mom. Miss you much.


Free shots- Scatti in libertà. Almaty, (KZ), 5.X.2009

Photos: Almaty, KZ, 05.X.2009

"Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower"

H.C. Andersen

To the ones who forgot about it.


Altin Adam, 01.X.2009 (KZ)

Al- Farabi University bus and B.
In safehands
Daily life
Altin adam- the Golden man
Ain't it beautiful?
The group
American hitchiking
Kazakh hitchhiking
Weeping willow
Born to squat

"Toi qui crois que le bonheur s'achète
Que l'argent amène la liberté [...]
J'voudrais pas marcher

Dans tes souliers..."

Les Cowboys Fringants Épilogue (Si tu penses
un peu comme ça)