
Жаңа жыл құтты болсын!






Photo: 26.XII.2008- Italia

I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling lies.

Pietro Aretino

I needed to go back to Italy. It gave me the strength I was longing for. Feeling loved by my family: Grazie Mamma, Papà, Chiara, Marta e Franci M.L.
I had one of the best Christmas ever thanks to all the people who spent that very day with me and who reminded me the value of family and friendship.
And this country, these faces so familiar but at the same time so far away when I'm not here taught me again the importance of the past... me, the one who wanted to erase anything till a couple of weeks ago. I do not know what is right and what is not.
I only know that nowadays, this is what I missed: to rediscover that they really love me as they say.

Grazie a tutti!



The Softness of words

Ne zaman geleceksin Istanbul'a! Istanbul seni özledi, ben de.


Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Photo: Alman Noel gecesi-12.XII.2008 NL

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!



photo: Pejo (TN), Italia - 2005

Who can say where the road goes Where the day flows Only time

And who can say if your love grows As your heart chose Only time

Who can say why your heart sighs As your love flies Only time

And who can say why your heart cries When your love dies Only time

Who can say when the roads meet That love might be In your heart
Enya, Only Time



photo: Torino 2006

I have been misunderstood perhaps more than anyone else ever, but it has not affected me, for the simple reason that there is no desire to be understood. It is their problem if they don’t understand, it is not my problem. If they misunderstand, it is their problem and their misery. I am not going to waste my sleep because millions of people are misunderstanding me.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


keep on smiling :-)

Photo NL, 10.XII.2008

Qu'est-ce qu'un rite? Dit le petit prince.
C'est quelque chose de trop oublié, dit le renard. C'est ce qui fait qu'un jour est différent des autres jours, une heure, des autres heures.
Le Petit Prince- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Yes, I think I should really write a few lines about my life nowadays: it's been ages I haven't written about me.
I wrote a sad group email and I'm sorry for that guys, but I couldn't find a way to get out of it... everything seemed so complicated, but now that I'm getting my life back as "usual" with its good moments and its bad luck (Si, LA SFIGA E' TORNATA A COLPIRE!) I feel definetely better!
I'm pretty busy with university, jobs, I 've just moved in a new house (I have great roommates!), gonna have my Kazakh exam next Friday, many thoughts about what to do in future... sometimes I feel I have no idea about it, others I'm so sure about myself I could even start flying if I try.
We'll see.
Social life is doing well. I can't complain. I recently met on my way some special people I do like a lot and who are cheering up my days. Merci bien les amis!
I only start to feel sometimes a little sad: the semester is finished and many are leaving to Istanbul: only me, Felix and Stelios are going to be here next semester and then I'll be the leaving one to Kazakhstan... still not sure about the dates.
I always try to be rational: I should be used to farewells after this long time made of "nice to meet you!" and shortly after "Hope to see you... soon!" where that "soon" sometimes means in a couple of months, in a year... sometimes... who knows.
But some of you know me better: I was never known to be a rational being... my crazy heart chooses so often.
Then, I can't avoid to think, think, too much, yes Petr!
But now it's time to go to bed soon... another day is going to start in one and a half hour...
Buona notte!
Bonne nuit!
Iyi geceler!
Dobrou noc!


To one of the best women I met in my life

Photo: Oegstgeest (NL), 6.XII.2008

Buon Compleanno Lenka!




Photo: NL- 30.XI.2008

Don't think you can always win, don't think you can always take for free what you want, you desire.
Don't think you won, because you lost this time.
And the truth is that I haven't just won against you, I got my life back.
Discovering I became strong, yes, I'm a strong woman.


Questo è quello che mi fa arrabbiare della Vita

Photo: Burano (Venezia)- April 2007

Questo è quello che mi fa arrabbiare della Vita, della mia in particolare, il fatto di non rendersi conto molte volte di quello che potremmo perdere da un giorno all'altro senza nemmeno rendercene conto. Il fatto di non essere mai contenta, di essere sempre in cerca d'altro, di quello che mi possa far star meglio, perchè sembra sempre che mi vada tutto stretto, che quello che mi sta attorno mi soffochi. E poi apro gli occhi, e mi rendo conto di quanto sia stata fortunata a non esserci finita sotto a quel camion che ha investito me e la bicicletta, di aver potuto anche se solo per dieci minuti aver parlato con la mia compagna di tenda, che allo stesso modo, è qui per miracolo.
Di quanto possa ritenermi fortunata che ho una mamma tecnologica che parla in videoconferenza skype e mi manda animoticon sonore con lo schiocco dei baci via messanger, di una sorella che mi sostiene (ultimamente giornalmente e in ogni modo), di un amico "telematico" che mi fa tornare il sorriso ogniqualvolta mi ritrovo con il broncio e di tutte quelle persone che più o meno distanti mi sostengono.
Lo so, la solita promessa da marinaia, ma ci provo, ora vado a letto e ci provo a sorridere un po' di più domani, a questa Vita, cui dovrei solo essere grata di Esistere. E di poter inseguire i miei piccoli e grandi sogni quotidiani; senza nessuna verità nelle mie tasche, ma con la voglia di arrivare, dove non importa, quel che importa è il viaggio.
E nel mio viaggio Chi importa sono le persone che incontro, che mi insegnano a essere forte e fragile allo stesso tempo ma che non mi abbandonano mai.
Buona notte a tutti, ai belli e ai brutti, e che domani sia una giornata di Sole! Di quello che ti parte da dentro... nonostante la pioggia, la neve e i meno 3 gradi!

Un pensiero a tutta la famiglia Veneziana... mi mancate amiche!



Photo: Elisa F.- 22.XI.2008-NL




In Italy, as in the rest of the world, male violence is the number one cause of death and permanent disfigurement among women. Violence is common place in our daily lives and expresses itself through the denial of our rights, the violation of our bodies and is covered up by silence.They tell us that we must be afraid of the stranger on the street, but violence exists within our families (83% of the times): husbands, boyfriends, live-in mates, lovers are the ones responsible for beating, raping and killing women.Violence against women is not a Law and Irder issue, but a cultural and political problem.Violence against women is legitimized by the establishment when free and legal abortion is questioned, when funds for public health offices are cut, when school funds are slashed and social security is curtailed. Violence against women is legitimized by society when the family is exalted, and we are told that our natural place is ‘at home’, where, by definition, we are economically dependent on a man and where we take care of children and elders without pay.Violence also occurs when others tell us how we must be. To be free we must be independent , and to be independent we must have education, health care, income and green cards.


Corteo di donne autorganizzato ROMA, 22 NOVEMBRE 2008
P.zza della Repubblica, ore 14.00


La violenza maschile è la prima causa di morte e di invalidità permanente delle donne in Italia come nel resto del mondo. La violenza fa parte delle nostre vite quotidiane e si esprime attraverso la negazione dei nostri diritti, la violazione dei nostri corpi, il silenzio.
Un anno fa siamo scese in piazza in 150.000 donne, femministe e lesbiche per dire NO alla VIOLENZA MASCHILE e ai tentativi di strumentalizzare la violenza sulle donne, da parte di governi e partiti, per legittimare politiche securitarie e repressive e torneremo in piazza anche quest’anno perché i governi cambiano ma le politiche restano uguali e, al giorno d’oggi, peggiorano.
In un anno gli attacchi alla nostra libertà e autodeterminazione sono aumentati esponenzialmente, mettendo in luce la deriva autoritaria,sessista, e razzista del nostro paese. Ricordiamo il blitz della polizia al policlinico di Napoli per il presunto aborto illegale, le aggressioni contro lesbiche, omosessuali e trans,contro immigrate/i e cittadine/i di seconda generazione. Violenza legittimata e incoraggiata da governi e sindaci-sceriffi che vogliono imporre modelli di comportamento normalizzati in nome del “decoro” e della “dignità” impedendoci di scegliere liberamente come condurre le nostre vite.
La violenza maschile ha molte facce, e una di queste è quella istituzionale: vorrebbero risolvere la crisi economica e culturale che stiamo vivendo smantellando lo stato sociale. Per salvare le banche, rifinanziare le missioni militari all’estero e militarizzare le nostre città tagliano i fondi ai centri antiviolenza, ai consultori e a tutti i servizi che garantiscono alle donne libertà, salute e indipendenza.
Con la legge 133 tagliano i fondi alla scuola e all’università pubblica per consegnare l’istruzione nelle mani dei privati determinando la fine del diritto ad una istruzione gratuita e libera per tutte/i.
Con il decreto Gelmini, migliaia di insegnanti, maestre precarie, perdono il posto di lavoro, e viene meno un sistema educativo - il tempo pieno - che sostiene le donne, consentendo loro una maggiore libertà di movimento e autonomia.
L’obiettivo delle riforme del lavoro, della sanità, della scuola e dell’università è di renderci sempre più precarie e meno garantite:mogli e madri “rispettabili” rinchiuse nelle case, economicamente dipendenti da un uomo, che lavorano gratuitamente per badare ad anziani e bambini.
Non pagheremo noi la vostra crisi!
Vogliamo reagire alla violenza fisica, psicologica, economica, normativa, sociale e religiosa agita verso di noi, in famiglia e fuori, "solo" perché siamo donne.Vogliamo dire basta al femminicidio




con la stessa forza, radicalità e autonomia che la VIOLENZA MASCHILE non ha classe né confini, NASCE IN FAMIGLIA, all’interno delle mura domestiche, e NON È UN PROBLEMA DI ORDINE PUBBLICO MA E' UN PROBLEMA DI ORDINE CULTURALE E POLITICO!
al disegno di legge Carfagna, che criminalizza le prostitute e impone regole di condotta per tutte, che ci vuole dividere in buone e cattive, in sante e puttane, in vittime e colpevoli, noi rispondiamo che SIAMO TUTTE INDECOROSAMENTE LIBERE!
al decreto Gelmini che ci confeziona una scuola autoritaria e razzista, noi rispondiamo che VOGLIAMO TUTTE 5 IN CONDOTTA!ai pacchetti sicurezza e alle norme xenofobe che ci vogliono distinguere in cittadine/i con e senza diritti, rispondiamo che SIAMO TUTTE CITTADINE DEL MONDO E ANDIAMO DOVE CI PARE!

from/ da: http://controviolenzadonne.noblogs.org/


Ho paura Papà

Photo: Ischia, VIII.2008

testo: V. Sessa
Vitalemusica: N. Aprile

Ho paura papà!
C’era la storia di un bandito
ieri sera alla tivù.
Quello che ho visto mi ha colpito
e così non dormo più.
Nel mio letto sono all’erta,
sotto sotto la coperta:
quel fruscio che sarà?
Ora chiamo il mio papà.

CORO:Ho paura papà!
(Ho paura papà!)
Ho sentito un rumore.
Vieni subito qua!
(Vieni subito qua!)
Come batte il mio cuore!
Ho paura papà!
Era un passo felpato
o magari, chissà,
me lo sono sognato...
E papà, che sta dormendo,
corre subito dicendo:
“Non c’è niente, bimbo mio,
e poi ti proteggo io.
Anzi per un po’qui con te mi fermerò”.
Ora nel buio della stanza
resta immobile il mio papà.
Poi, quando è stato lì abbastanza,
crede che io dorma già.
Segue il muro con la mano,
chiude l’uscio piano piano
Zitto zitto se ne va...
Ma io chiamo un’altra volta il mio papà.

CORO:Ho paura papà!
(Ho paura papà!)
Ho sentito un rumore.
Vieni subito qua!
(Vieni subito qua!)
Come batte il mio cuore!
Ho paura papà!
Era un passo leggero
e qualcuno di là
s’è nascosto davvero....
E papà che, poveretto,
stava per tornare a letto,
grida forte :” Ero io!
Hai sentito il passo mio.
Era poco fa,
proprio il passo di papà!”
Ho paura papà!
Era un passo leggero
e qualcuno di là
s’è nascosto davvero....
E papà, in conclusione,
dice senza esitazione:
“D’ora in poi te lo prometto,
tu alle nove fili a letto.
Certe storie alla tivù
non le devi vedere più!”

CORO:Ho paura papà
Ho paura papà
Ho paura papà

perchè questa sera mi sento proprio una bambina, caricata da mille decisioni da prendere, e nessuna certezza. vorrei avere delle risposte che non ho, essere il più sincera possibile, e non ferire nessuno.

perchè nonostante cerchi di pensare a me stessa, penso sempre inevitabilmente agli altri.


18.XI.2006 Yedikule/ 18.XI. 2008 NL-CZ

Photo: Bursa, TR, February 2007
At night, when you look up at the sky, since I shall be living on a star, and since I shall be laughing on a star, for you it will be as if all the stars are laughing. You alone will have stars that can laugh! And when you have got over your loss (for we always do), you’ll be happy to have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me.
The Little Prince -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
No matter where we are, we promised!
Take care... together with all our Yedikule Family.


migliaia di euro, milioni di ricordi

photo: Casa, Febbraio 2007

Non riesco a dormire. Continuo a pensare a cosa potrei fare per tirarvi su il morale.

E non mi viene in mente nulla fuorchè scrivere. Mi dispiace, mi dispiace immensamente. Capita sempre agli altri fino a quando un giorno capita anche a noi.

E ieri sera è successo nella nostra casa. Perchè quando ti derubano non ti derubano solo materialmente, ma spiritualmente. Ed è quello che fa più male.

Maledetti, ovunque siate e chiunque siate. Mi chiedo chi siate, se siete cosi disperati da aver portato via tutto quello che c'era da portare via o se siete solo dei grandi pezzi di merda che non hannno voglia di lavorare onestamente e tirano a campare forzando le porte altrui, i cuori altrui.

E quello a cui penso di più non siete voi, voi che avete abusato della nostra casa.

Ma alla mia famiglia. A mio Papà che piange, a mia Mamma che mi chiama e cerca di mantenersi calma anche se la conosco troppo bene per capire che lo fa per non farmi preoccupare troppo, qui a mille chilometri, impotente e in preda a cambiamenti repentini come mi ritrovo al momento.

Alle mie Sorelle che non sono ancora riuscita a sentire.

Ai nostri Gatti da guardia, che spero abbian artigliato loro i polpacci, anche se ne dubito... dormiglioni come sono!

Non sono brava con le parole in questo periodo, perchè il mio cuore è un macello, la mia testa pure. Alcuni diranno "come sempre", ma in questi giorni più che mai.

E penso alle parole della Mamma che si fa forza a ragione dicendo che meglio questo che qualche morto.

Di sicuro, e purtroppo lo sappiamo bene, ma ciò non toglie il pensiero. Che sbiadirà con il tempo, ma non se ne andrà.


Vi stringo forte Famiglia e spero di riuscire a sentirvi.

Che questo possa essere una riflessione per alcuni.

Con affetto,

la vostra Eli


Behind blue eyes

Photo: Venice, April 2007
But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
Behind blue eyes- The Who
Because many times we start to understand THE other's point of view very late... the most important thing is to be able to do it, or not? ;-)
Take care Falko and waiting for your news!


Because I`m Stupid, Tanned and mainly an Asshole.

Dear Prime Minister Berlusconi,

This is a letter You won`t probably read, but I want to write it anyway.
In English to let more people understand who is ruling my home country; a country I love, whose premier I hate.
I was taught not to hate anybody, as a good Catholic girl, but what do WE, the ones who did not vote for you, and maybe also the ones who did it, should do?
Yesterday when You were in Moscow You said that Barack Obama, the new USA President is "Beautiful and Tanned", nowadays, when it` s harder and harder to fight racism, in Your and My country as well.
Which example do you want to give to all those lost teenagers who kill or nearly kill their class mates or quite people walking on the street BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ITALIAN?
Moreover, once you said such a STUPID thing, how did you dare to call STUPIDS all Italian and Worldwide journalists who only reported what you said?
Instead of going to Kazakhstan and coming back saying that "All Italians should visit Kazakhstan because the President is a friend of Mine"... (You know... normally when You look for a Friend You look for somebody who really looks like You...and whose ideologies are practically the same) think of how to solve all the problems you managed to create and how to rule as a Premier and not as a puppet.

Kind Regards,

An Asshole Italian graduate student who is studying for her Mphil (Middle Eastern Studies... Kazakh language, what a coincidence!) in The Netherlands...


Caro Governo, mi fai schifo

Sono stata zitta sino ad ora, ma quando per l'ennesima volta ho aperto il sito di Repubblica questa mattina e ci ho trovato in prima pagina notizie degli scontri per gli scioperi degli studenti, mi sono infuriata. Non servirà a nulla probabilmente questo post, ma dato che per lo meno blogspot in Italia non è stato ancora censurato (se andiamo avanti cosi non so fino a che punto), vorrei monologare con me stessa forse, o chiedermi quello che voi state provando, essendo direttamente li.
Ma in questo momento, vorrei essere lì anche io fra quelle migliaia di studenti a cercare di risollevare una situazione che sembra ormai a pezzi.
Ecco perchè sempre più volte penso che in Italia non tornerò a vivere, che se mai avrò dei figli non li manderò a scuola lì, per quale futuro?

[...]Il Parlamento è solo una spesa per il contribuente. Va chiuso. E, visto che ci siamo, chiudiamo anche la scuola, quello che resta della scuola dopo anni di ignavia dei governi. A cosa serve studiare se non avrai un lavoro, se non puoi partecipare alla vita democratica del tuo Paese, se vivi sommerso in un'informazione di regime? A sopravvivere? Ma a vent'anni sopravvivere è un insulto». B. Grillo, 29.X.2008

Lascio qui questa breve riflessione, che meriterebbe pagine e pagine di discussione, ma che al momento non posso permettermi, perchè devo preparare una valigia che per pigrizia non ho ancora preparato... alla volta del Mio Paese, per una breve toccata e fuga, il Mio Paese che amo, ma solo perchè ci sono la mia famiglia e i miei amici e tante altre persone che a detta del nostro Caro Berlusconi devono andare a "farsi un riposino". Maledetto. Aveva davvero ragione Benigni... se quella notte, per divin consiglio... e invece tutta l'Italia intera se l'è proprio presa in culo.

Gelmini& Co.: MA VAFFA!


On a rainy day...

Photo: Warmond (NL), 28.X.2008, h.:11 a.m.

I was already leaving to go to University, under this impossible rain of today, but then I heard a sound, a constant noise on the roof of my house... and how could I leave?
At first I was deadly scared thinking that yes, this was the last bad accident which was happening to me... I thought... a dead bird, I can't stand it.
I looked in the whole house. None of the others inhabitants were here.
I needed to enter my room again but I was terribly scared. I do not like birds..and dead ones... I was sure I would have thrown up. But then I took a deep breath and with the upmost surprise... it was a baby seagull who stopped on my roof because of the rain.
Me, that I was already planning to sleep somehow on my couch tonight not to be compelled to see a dead bird the whole time (yes, the window is on the ceiling).
Anyway... I think I'll go now.
I'm sorry if I didn't keep my promise Leni and Petr.
I'll find the time. It's just that I want to wrtite something good and real, and in a moment when I'm happy.
I'll do it. if you know anything about P. Newman let me know.
To everybody: a hug.
Your Eli, with her right thumb nail a little black... no need to say nowadays... my bike squeezed it between it and the metal thing where I parked the bike last night. Grammy, Lourdes was not enough!


Sono sempre stata una ZUCCA...

Photo: Noordwijk (NL), 16.X.2008

Abbiamo quaranta milioni di ragioni per fallire, ma non una sola scusa. -



TO: Leni&Petr

Gonna write You in max. 2 days. Promiz. Thanks for email and sms.
Love You both.
Dobrou noc!



Photo: NL- 18.X.2008, h.: 19.20

To my Women/ Alle mie Donne

She's always a woman to me- Billy Joel

She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child,
But she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to love
She can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe
And she'll take what you give her, as long as it's free
Yeah, she steals like a thief
But she's always a woman to me

CHORUS: Oh--she takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh--and she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind

And she'll promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then she'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin'
But she'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me


CHORUS:Oh--she takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh--and she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind
She is frequently kind
And she's suddenly cruel
She can do as she pleases
She's nobody's fool
And she can't be convicted
She's earned her degree
And the most she will do
Is throw shadows at you

But she's always a woman to me
Vi voglio bene.
Love You


Smelling my memories

I was cycling back home this afternoon, under the usual Dutch rain, covered all over with my red poncho and all in a while I smelt it... as if I were there, in that old house, something like three years ago. i smelt the smoky smell of the oven, which left still some traces on my poncho. That smoky night with my great cousin, that is somehow a miracle we are alive. Lost in the mountains, me, her under the milky way... besides not knowing that well how the oven was working. And we slept with all the windows opened, up on the mountain with a crazily cold temperature. But the smoke is still there. I don't know how many times my mum and I washed it and how many other times I wore it. It's there and it's there to let me remember.
As when I'm somewhere and I start to think about a particular smell already smelt in Istanbul, or somewhere else, or the smell of the moulded grass, which always reminds me about my home and my dad.
And I smiled... I ask myself if it is fine to think about that, and to associate smells with places, people I met and remember... for sure it is scientifically prooved, but I want to give it a more emotional shape.
The problem comes later, when the smell disappears and you start thinking, maybe too much as somebody suggested me once, about BEFORE.
All I want to learn is to find new smells, but inevitably they'll be old memories soon or later as well.
What counts now, it's to go on.
For me.
I'm fine... you know that sometimes I need to express what it's turning constantly in my mind.
Good night then!
Buona notte!


UTRECHT, 12.X.2008: Imane&Elisa


Ağlasam sesimi duyar mısınız,
Dokunabilir misiniz,
Gözyaşlarıma, ellerinizle?

Bilmezdim şarkıların bu kadar güzel,
Kelimelerinse kifayetsiz olduğunu
Bu derde düşmeden önce.

Bir yer var, biliyorum;
Her şeyi söylemek mümkün;
Epeyce yaklaşmışım, duyuyorum;


Orhan Veli K.

Duygucan, senin için... Venedik'te misin?!?


Let it go

Bıktım usandım sürüklemekten onu,
Senelerdir, ayaklarımın ucunda;
Bu dünyada biraz da yaşayalım,
O tek başına,
Ben tek başıma.

Orhan Veli Kanık

My shadow

I'm sick and tired of dragging it along
On the tip of my foot year in year out
In this world we ought to live for a while
My shadow all by itself
And I all by myself
(Translation by Talat Sait Halman)
In order to start again from the beginning, try looking at tomorrow, not yesterday!


Confusion- 01.X.2008, 11 P.M.

Photo:Ischia, Naples, July 2007

Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.

Letters to a Young Poet- Rainer Maria Rilke

Nothing truer than this nowadays.
A hug to everybody.


On MY way

Photo: Zeytinbag, TR February 2007

Warmond, 30.IX.2008- raining like hell

Dear All,

This time again only in English (Scusa Chiara C. e a tutti quelli che con l'inglese hanno un brutto rapporto!).
I finally have my internet connection home and I do not have to subtract precious time to my days in the library at university just to check normal emails!
Great news... after years and years I finally have Skype and I can start using again MSN (for Skype I still need to buy the microphone... I'm nearly done!- you'll receive soon an email with my contacts... obviously I don't leave it here).
How many things to tell you... only one month has passed at university but it seems ages already.
Maybe because I'm really studying a lot, I'm satisfied with what I'm doing (especially Kazakh) and I have to do so many things (the usual Octopus, right Venetian Family?!) that I do not have that much time to get bored or sad.
I'm living on the lake here in Warmond, I forgot if I told you or not, with four persian cats and the owner of the house with whom I get along pretty well but we hardly ever see eachother.
In a way it's better... we meet together a couple of times per week at maximum for a short but nice chat and then we both live our own lives.
In this period I really need my independence, I need to take care about myself and analyze what I wanna do and be.
At univeristy I met a group of nice people and eventhough we do not see eachother everyday I know that they are there.
I'm so grateful for that!
Last weekend Eva came here (for the ones who do not know her, she is my best friend since we were at middle school) and we lived 24/24 hours.
We cycled like two crazies, we discovered a great market in Den Haag, also known as the Turkish Market... you can imagine the atmosphere. It seemed to be back in Turkey and I had one of the best day ever! I'm planning to go there often: first of all for the atmosphere, second because fruits and vegetables, meat (Halal) and fish are superb and increadibly fresh and cheaper than at the supermarket (half the price!).
Then... I had a great time with Eva (Grazie ancora cucciola!).
The only problematic thing was that yesterday I had a presentation of 2 texts at university, for "History and Social Theory" seminar, for which I had to prepare also 2 handouts.
I had then to study the whole night and morning (the presentation was at 3 p.m. luckily) but I managed, although I'm not 100% satisfied. I was very nervous and I think quite tired. When it was my turn to speak I'd rather go away from the room... I think that many of you know how anxious I'm and the ones who were at my BA thesis discussion remeber for sure that at the beginning I didn't manage to speak... dark in my brain... but it's over now and my fellow students at the end told me it was good...flattering me or truth? ;-)
This morning I slept till 10 and I took my morning free today to range my messy room and TAKE IT EASY.
My private life is a little bit confused nowadays, but I'm trying to take the best out of it.
I hope you are all fine.
A special thought for my Leni: I'm always waiting for you,
for Petr: what did you decide about your life? I wonder!
Duygu icin: Istanbul'da misin? Ozledim seni! Seni cok seviyorum, arkadasim! Haber ver, lutfen!

A kiss to everybody, only one, but full of feelings.
Take care.


Ci sono ma ancora senza internet

Ci sono. trasloco effettuato ma presa all`inverosimile.

un post veloce per dire in particolare alla mamma e famiglia che me la cavo, che non sono ancora sul lastrico e che l`universita` sara` motivante ma allo stesso tempo bella tosta!

scrivo presto.ora hi hanno solo fatto la cortesia di lascirami internet un nanosecondo.

un bacio.


I`m deadly tired but I can`t help

photo: Noordwijk Accordeon festival, 31.VIII.2008 (NL)
Hi everybody, this time only in English to let everyone understand and for the Italians who cannot, hope they`ll find some help for a translation.
I`m terribly tired, I guess mostly psicologically, but I did decide to write a bit.
A bit of what it`s happening in my busy and messy life, but always full of energy somehow.
Sunday I went to the best Accordeon Festival ever (ok... it was the first in my life, but I can definetely, absolutely, maximally say-all these adverbs for you Blu Deamon- that living with my dear Dalibor helped me to learn a bit about accordeon and really started to love it).
It was pure fun and joy, although I was the only person in all Noordwijk who wasn`t drunk- I did respect my antibiotic treatment-thus it must have been really great! Probably I`ve been seen as the crazy of the village since evryone was fooling around with a couple of Heineken each 15 minutes, while I was constantly drinking water and... going to the toilette-bloody infection- but I did exercise in taking pictures and amuse myself. A big THANKS to the whole Van Rhijn Family! ;-)
Then,after coming back completely sober from the party, I couldn`t sleep... because, besides thinking about my lost man and friend going around Noordwijk and lose theirselves, I was nervous... because Monday- yesterday- it has been my first day at University!
Woke up at 5 A.M. and couldn`t sleep anymore, then I decided to go out fast walking for 45 minutes around Wassenaar and while walking I started to think that actually I didn`t know WHERE I was supposed to meet all the other students.
6.30 A.M.: I`m back, run to my messy bedroom (I can justify myself this time: gonna move Saturday!) and try to find desperately my document folder and after digging and searching among shoes and socks (Clean ONES) I found it.
Surprise... no address, only the name of the building: in a word, PANIC.
Luckily the meeting is at 13. All the time of the world. I call the university and it seems I understood eveything but when I`m finally in Leiden after a long preparation, skirt, high-heel shoes and nice make-up (Come on, it was the first day!) I find myself walking around the city centre with a map in my hands, trying to find the right direction... and I found it!
Result: I`m gonna wait for 1.5 hour before the meeting starts.
I sit down on the little wall surrounding nice roses in the middle of the yard and 8 nice people come by: the first fellows I got to meet are Indonesian students (Islamic studies) who when they discover I`m Italian they told me the cutest thing ever "For sure you have an Italian face, it`s so beautiful". Completely red, after a while we did start a nice conversation and the time passes by.
The next one joining the company is a nice German student (as Duygu maybe remembers I always have problems with German male names... Friederich!) to whom right now I would give the name of Phil, but Ithink I`m gettin confused with Mphil (Master of Philosophy- the acronim of my university programme... what a shame).
PHIL, if u ever get to read this post, remember, nothing against you... I do have problems with some names!
Anyway we started a nice conversation as well and found out that also Phil is in my programme and in the Turkish specialization too...and that He also studied at the Edebiyat Fakultesi (sorry, no diacritical time now) in Istanbul and that we had the same Erasmus coordinator... the world is little sometimes.
It was soon 13 then and we started the everlasting meeting (till 17.10) which brought me back to university life and which made me feel extremely happy: I know it will be hard,the programmes are quite heavy, but I had the feeling after 1 year without studying that I was really back to what I like mostly and for which I`m gonna work hard.
The professors made an excellent impression on me... very diferent atmosphere then in Italy-at least in Venice- but I want to say that thanks God, the family atmosphere of Ca` Cappello is preserved (we are nearly ten students in the Turkish department for MA and Mphil.
Bought the first book to be read for Monday... let`s hope I`m gonna do it with my BOYS and moving to Warmond too in the weekend!
The lectures look great... now it`s just time to think about my future and Who I really wanna be.
At the moment I can`t say more...just thinking a lot these days.
So... Monday I`m really starting with the courses!
I think I wrote quite a lot.
I do feel better than last week, phisically speaking, mentally... you know me, the usual "crazy" one!
Hoping you are fine, my thoughts tonight in particular to two of my dearest Italian friends who are suffering at the same time in different ways, to my Czech family member Jiri who passed his final Master exam- so proud of You Jirka!- and to my Family, especially to my mother who told me what I needed to hear... "ONLY the ones who DARE will SUCCEED IN".

Good Night.
Buona notte.
Dobrou noc.
Iyi geceler
طابت ليلتكم
Bonne nuit

P.S.: I won`t probably write back for a bit... still don`t know about my internet connection where I`m gonna move. Let u know asap.


ZALTR: Ti sono vicina! Grazie della carica, vedrai che a tutto c`e` una soluzione!


Sono Viva/ Still Alive

27.VIII.2008, Wassenaar- NL

Sono viva ma a letto da due giorni con una belle cistite emorragica, sotto antibiotici che mi stanno gia` stendendo come se avessi appena finito un incontro di boxe.

A presto.

Stll alive but in bed already for two days with an infection on my urinary sistem, therefore taking strong antibiotics which pull me down.

C u soon


For my Czech Family

photo: Bursa, Cay Evi, February 2007

I`m thinking of you all guys. Think about you Leni, absorbed by your BA paper, Prema working and drinking, Petr lost somewhere in Turkey, Dalo playing your accordeon and Jiri... lost somewhere in the world... exactlty where I don`t know. It has been days now that I`m thinking about you guys and except for Leni from whom I do receive news frequently I don`t know a lot about your lives. This cay for you all this morning... thinking about you, family!
Hoping to hearing from you. I miss you.


Tutto quello che vorrei dirti

photo: Zeytinbag, February 2007 (TR)
Penso a tutto quello a cui sto pensando in questi giorni e che mi sembra cosi` sconfinato e infinito.
Penso a tutto quello che deve venire e a quello che e` stato, a quello che ti ho detto e a quello che non ti ho detto mai.
E mi ritrovo seduta sulla sedia, davanti a questo schermo a contemplare l`incontemplabile... tutto il tempo che ho perso e che non posso recuperare, quello che non ho fatto per pigrizia o semplicemente perche` dopo una giornata a fare un po` da mamma, da sorella e da factotum non mi passa nemmeno per l`anticamera del cervello di mettermi davanti ad un pc.
Sono tornata alla mia vita olandese, che volente o nolente sta diventando piano piano la mia vita punto. Per quanto mi sforzi a tenere in piedi relazioni a distanza, per quanto combatta e lo faro` per Sempre per continuare a sperare che tutte quelle persone che amo e che sono sparse per mezza Europa e oltre , la mia vita in questo momento si sta davvero olandesizzando. Forse piu` di quanto lo stia facendo io stessa.
Ci pensavo in questi giorni... questa e` la volta piu` lunga in cui ho vissuto e vivro` al momento in un Paese che non e` la mia Patria, comunque e Sempre insostituibile, ma a cui mi devo adattare in tutti i suoi aspetti, per poter dire di vivere davvero.
Sono gia` passati 8 mesi oramai da quando sono arrivata qui, da quando ho messo per la prima volta piede nell`aeroporto di Schiphol che adesso ogni volta che ci atterro mi sembra davvero di conoscerlo come fosse una casa, come se ogni volta stesse li` a dirmi "Welcome Back! Missed u" e ora presa da mille altre cose e pensieri... una laurea specialistica che sta per incominciare, una nuova casa dove traslocare, l`organizzare il trasloco che per quanto riduttivo sia sempre di un trasloco si tratta... forse piu` per il cuore che per quelle tre valige che mi porto dietro come la chiocciola fa con il suo guscio, il passaggio di domicilio da un comune all`altro, le preghiere quotidiane nella ricerca di un lavoro redditizio ma allo stesso tempo che mi permetta di studiare appieno, il khazakho, che a quanto pare questo primo semestre andra` a sostituire il turco, la ricerca di me stessa, di quello che voglio fare ed essere e del ruolo che deve giocare chi mi sta accanto in questo momento... senza perdere la mia Liberta` senza la quale non potrei stare.
Tante domande a cui devo ancora rispondere.
E penso a Te, a Te che hai tanti volti e tante nazionalita`.
A cui dovrei dire tante e tante altre cose e che ti diro`. Prima o poi.
Con l`affetto immutato di sempre.


A window on my world

I'm sorry. I haven't been in touch with many of you for a long time now. Back to Italy where I've been going around from North to South, from West to East... as usual for me, for the ones who know me.
I always promize that I'm gonna write, I'm gonna call and I'm gonna visit everybody or at least some.
But I do find myself fooling around, without enough time for everyone... not even for myself sometimes.
I won't promize to contact you all. I'm just gonna say that I'll try to do my best to remind you how you ALL are important in my life.
Take care, wherever you are, you ALL, my Friends.
Good night or... good morning for the Americans and the Australians!
Photo: Ischia (Naples), July 2008


For all the times we don`t need to speak

I`m writing You a letter kamarádko.
Take care.
Sleep well.


A Voi/ To You

“If ever there is tomorrow when we`re not together... there`s something you must always remember: you`re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we`re apart... I`ll always be with you.”

Winnie the Pooh
Per i consigli, le lettere misteriose e l`affetto che sto ricevendo in questi giorni.
Grazie a tutti!
For all the advice, secret letters and Love I`m receiving these days.
Thank You!
Love You.


The only way you can be free is to know that you are worthwhile as a distinct human being.
Russel Means


Un piccolo pezzetto di Felicita`/ a little piece of Happiness

Cari Amici,
Dear Friends,
Siete sempre nel mio cuore.
You`re always in my heart.
A presto.
C u soon.


Pro P.K.- 26.V.2008, starting of a new voyage.

The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people you meet on them.
Amelia E. Barr
Hodně štěstí!

To Leni

Kolik řečí znáš, tolikrát jsi člověkem.

But the most important one, is the language of your heart. Don`t feel sorry kamarádko (don`t start to feel sorry like someone else ;-) !)
I should translate more than I do!
Anyway, it was not my Marta`s birthday, but one of my Italian friend`s one.
Hugging you.
Take care.
Writing You as soon as possible.


A Marta Z., che OGGI compie 23 anni!

FINALMENTE lo posso dire, OGGI: buon compleanno Marta!

Un forte abbraccio.
