
Жаңа жыл құтты болсын!






Photo: 26.XII.2008- Italia

I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling lies.

Pietro Aretino

I needed to go back to Italy. It gave me the strength I was longing for. Feeling loved by my family: Grazie Mamma, Papà, Chiara, Marta e Franci M.L.
I had one of the best Christmas ever thanks to all the people who spent that very day with me and who reminded me the value of family and friendship.
And this country, these faces so familiar but at the same time so far away when I'm not here taught me again the importance of the past... me, the one who wanted to erase anything till a couple of weeks ago. I do not know what is right and what is not.
I only know that nowadays, this is what I missed: to rediscover that they really love me as they say.

Grazie a tutti!



The Softness of words

Ne zaman geleceksin Istanbul'a! Istanbul seni özledi, ben de.


Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Photo: Alman Noel gecesi-12.XII.2008 NL

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!



photo: Pejo (TN), Italia - 2005

Who can say where the road goes Where the day flows Only time

And who can say if your love grows As your heart chose Only time

Who can say why your heart sighs As your love flies Only time

And who can say why your heart cries When your love dies Only time

Who can say when the roads meet That love might be In your heart
Enya, Only Time



photo: Torino 2006

I have been misunderstood perhaps more than anyone else ever, but it has not affected me, for the simple reason that there is no desire to be understood. It is their problem if they don’t understand, it is not my problem. If they misunderstand, it is their problem and their misery. I am not going to waste my sleep because millions of people are misunderstanding me.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


keep on smiling :-)

Photo NL, 10.XII.2008

Qu'est-ce qu'un rite? Dit le petit prince.
C'est quelque chose de trop oublié, dit le renard. C'est ce qui fait qu'un jour est différent des autres jours, une heure, des autres heures.
Le Petit Prince- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Yes, I think I should really write a few lines about my life nowadays: it's been ages I haven't written about me.
I wrote a sad group email and I'm sorry for that guys, but I couldn't find a way to get out of it... everything seemed so complicated, but now that I'm getting my life back as "usual" with its good moments and its bad luck (Si, LA SFIGA E' TORNATA A COLPIRE!) I feel definetely better!
I'm pretty busy with university, jobs, I 've just moved in a new house (I have great roommates!), gonna have my Kazakh exam next Friday, many thoughts about what to do in future... sometimes I feel I have no idea about it, others I'm so sure about myself I could even start flying if I try.
We'll see.
Social life is doing well. I can't complain. I recently met on my way some special people I do like a lot and who are cheering up my days. Merci bien les amis!
I only start to feel sometimes a little sad: the semester is finished and many are leaving to Istanbul: only me, Felix and Stelios are going to be here next semester and then I'll be the leaving one to Kazakhstan... still not sure about the dates.
I always try to be rational: I should be used to farewells after this long time made of "nice to meet you!" and shortly after "Hope to see you... soon!" where that "soon" sometimes means in a couple of months, in a year... sometimes... who knows.
But some of you know me better: I was never known to be a rational being... my crazy heart chooses so often.
Then, I can't avoid to think, think, too much, yes Petr!
But now it's time to go to bed soon... another day is going to start in one and a half hour...
Buona notte!
Bonne nuit!
Iyi geceler!
Dobrou noc!


To one of the best women I met in my life

Photo: Oegstgeest (NL), 6.XII.2008

Buon Compleanno Lenka!
